Prasar Bharati Employees Protest: Declared October 5th as ‘Black Day’

Prasar Bharati Employees Protest: Declared October 5th as ‘Black Day’

Today, Prasar Bharati employees have united in a powerful digital protest, declaring October 5th as ‘Black Day’. This movement of Prasar Bharati employees highlights the ongoing challenges and discrimination faced by those employees recruited after October 5, 2007, whose career progression and access to facilities have been unfairly hindered.

Prasar Bharati Employees Protest
Prasar Bharati Employees Protest

Prasar Bharati Employees Protest: The reason behind it?

Employees, who were recruited before October 5, 2007, are classified as “Employees Deemed Deputation to Prasar Bharati.” This designation grants them the same benefits and facilities as any Central Government employee, offering them a safety net of perks including health care, retirement plans, and progression opportunities that are standard with central government positions.

In stark contrast, those who were recruited after the cut-off date of October 5, 2007, are identified simply as “Prasar Bharati employees.” This seemingly minor distinction has profound implications for their professional lives. These employees do not enjoy the same benefits and facilities afforded to their counterparts due to the rigid enforcement of this cut-off date. As a result, they face significant barriers that impede their career progression and access to essential benefits.

This ongoing issue has prompted the affected employees to voice their concerns and demand equitable treatment. Despite previous efforts, including peaceful protests, little progress has been made in addressing these disparities. In response, employees have declared October 5th as ‘Black Day,’ a symbolic demonstration of their frustration and determination to bring about change.

Recognizing that last year’s peaceful physical protests brought no meaningful change, employees have taken to digital platforms, making their voices heard across Twitter, Facebook, and through mass emails to higher authorities.

Major Demands of Prasar Bharati Employees Protest

The Prasar Bharati Employees protest’s major demands highlight the following along with the other demands:

  1. CGHS Facility
  2. CGEGIS Group Insurance
  3. Family Pension under the NPS Scheme
  4. Central Pool Quarter Facility similar with CG Employees
  5. Timely Promotion to the eligible employees in all cadres
  6. Compassionate Appointments to the Dependents of Deceased Employees
  7. Stop discrimination at the offices in day-to-day work for any facility and benefits
Prasar Bharati Employees Protest:

Standing Together for Justice: The Struggle of Prasar Bharati Employees Recruited After October 5, 2007

This coordinated effort aims to draw attention to the systemic issues impacting their professional growth and seek urgent redress and equity.

All the Prasar Bharati Employees stand together in solidarity on this important day, using the power of social media to amplify their message and demand swift action to rectify these injustices. This digital protest is not just a call for change but a demonstration of unity and determination in the fight for fair treatment and equal opportunities for all Prasar Bharati employees.

Prasar Bharati Employees Protest

The Association of Prasar Bharati Engineering Employees (APBEE) and its office bearers led the campaign on Twitter and Facebook which was then followed by the Joint Action Forum of Engineering and Programme Associations and their employees.

A few tweets from the Association office bearers and Employees:

You may read this: Prasar Bharati Employees Recruited After 05.10.07 Declared a Nationwide Peaceful Gate Meeting on 05th October 2023

#PrasarBharatiBlackDay #DigitalProtest #FairProgression

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